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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia – July 2013

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Junior Kolo Christmas Concert

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Buće Tournament

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Buće Tournament

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Intervillage Soccer

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Buće Tournament 2019

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Intervillage Soccer Tournament

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Artistic Director Goran Kačurov

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Junior Kolo Christmas Concert 2011

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble Tour of Croatia 2023

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Kralj Tomislav Folklore Ensemble meets Croatian President Zoran Milanović

Information and Membership forms

Croatian News & Members Newsletters

Functions and Events


Welcome - Dobro Došli


We are here to improve communication with our members and showcase our historical and cultural links to both New Zealand and Croatia. Our aim is to celebrate our cultural heritage and enrich both the Croatian community within New Zealand and our wider community - with the objective of ultimately advancing and contributing to the social fabric of New Zealand. Contact the Club Secretary regarding website information.

Email: secretary.ccsnz@gmail.com





To book tickets to this concert, click HERE