Croatian > Event History > June Events > Most Beautiful Croatian in National Folk Costume - 28 June 2015

Most Beautiful Croatian in National Folk Costume 2015

28 June 2015

Congratulations Claudia! first runner up 2015

Croatian cultural society would like congratulate Claudia on this great achievement.

27 Croatian girls from 21 countries will gathered in Tomislavgrad, Bosnia and Herzegovina to battle it out for the title of the Most Beautiful Croatian in National Folk Costume.

The beauty pageant, which will take place on 28 June, is organised by the Stećak Association in Bosnia, who preserve and promote traditional Croatian culture, theCroatian Heritage Foundation in Zagreb, and will also be under the auspices of Tomislavgrad, and the National Office for Croatians outside the Republic of Croatia.

The aim of the pageant is to connect Croatians throughout the world and to promote traditional culture. Before the pageant the girls, who will arrivefrom Australia, USA, Brazil, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Hungary, Germany, Serbia, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Spain, will visit Zagreb and meet with Croatian President.